Your Face, Teeth, and Smile
Facial aesthetics is a result of an important balance between your unique facial features. One feature that is commonly over-looked by many facial plastic surgeons and plastic surgeons is the position of the teeth. A healthy smile is essential to your facial appearance and the overall facial balance.
We often work with orthodontists and cosmetic dentists in order to help rejuvenate the face. Orthodontists are specialists in moving teeth so that they are straight and provide proper lip support. Cosmetic dentists can help restore your teeth so that their appearance matches the rest of your facial features. These two specialties often work together to restore smiles.
We are excited to announce the grand opening of a state-of-the-art Orthodontics facility within our world-class Boca Raton aesthetic medical center. We are one of the only facial plastic surgery centers in the world to offer this type of service in the same location — a huge convenience for our patients. Dr. Pam is a Boca Raton orthodontist that provides the highest quality care for your teeth. She offers traditional braces, clear braces, Invisalign treatment, and invisible braces (lingual braces that are placed on the back of your teeth instead of the front.)
Today’s technology advances allows an orthodontist to offer you various options for straighter teeth without the inconvenience of the braces that we grew up with. You can complete orthodontic treatment without most people ever knowing you have braces or Invisalign on your teeth. Click on the Dr. Pam Orthodontics website to learn about all of these possibilities.