Neck Lift in South Florida
As we age, it is normal for our skin to lose its elasticity. And while the focus is often on the face, another common problem area for many is the neck. We’ve all heard the turkey jokes and know that even with a youthful face, the neck can often reveal a person’s true age. When this happens, a neck lift can be performed to dramatically improve the signs of aging.
The procedure itself can vary depending on your anatomy. Typically, a neck lift includes the tightening of excess skin, and the removal of fat from around the neck area. This procedure has produced great results in both men and women alike.
On average, it takes about two hours to perform a neck lift; most who have it done will go home comfortably the same day, and will be able to resume normal activity in as little as two weeks. For many, this can be an impactful way to drastically improve their appearance in a short amount of time.
Dr. Jacob D. Steiger, M.D. is board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery. He practices in Boca Raton, Florida, treating patients from South Florida and all over the world.