Revision Rhinoplasty to Correct a Saddle Nose…

Revision Rhinoplasty is performed to improve the appearance of the nose and/or to improve the ability to breath through the nose. Unfortunately, prior nose surgery (rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty) or nasal trauma can lead to an unsightly appearance to the nose. Revision rhinoplasty specialists can improve both the appearance of the nose and it functional nature. Cartilage or synthetic implants are often used to augment or reshape the nose for the best possible results. Cartilage is often taken from your own septum if possible. In certain instances, the septum is inadequate to repair the nose so doctors must look to other areas for cartilage. Other sources of cartilage for revision rhinoplasty are the ear and the rib. With these materials revision rhinoplasty experts can help improve the nose affected by prior surgery. This news segment is about a patient of Dr. Steiger’s who had a revision rhinoplasty with rib cartilage taken to reconstruct her nose.


Video: Revision Rhinoplasty Specialist In the News

Dr Steiger is a rhinoplasty specialist that performs first time nose surgery and revision rhinoplasty surgery This video is from a Fox news report on a patient whose nose Dr Steiger repaired using cartilage from her own rib