Review 2 Months After Facelift – Becca’s Journey
Video of a woman 2 months after facelift surgery…
This is an interview with a patient 2 months after her facelift procedure. She discusses her recovery process after the surgery. She also talks about her satisfaction from the deep plane facelift surgery and the natural appearing results she has seen. She discusses the response that she has had from her friends and family. This video aong with the rest of the video journey is intended to educate you about the entire process of having a deep plane facelift.
Video: Boca Raton Facelift - 2 months After Surgery
This is a patient video interview 2 months after having deep plane facelift surgery. She discusses her experience and the results that she sees. She had advanced facelift surgery by Boca Raton facial plastic surgery specialist Dr. Steiger.
1. Facelift Goals – Becca’s Journey
2. Before Facelift Surgery Interview – Becca’s Journey
3. Deep Plane Facelift Incisions – Becca’s Journey
4. One Day After Facelift Surgery – Becca’s Journey
5. Review 2 Months After Facelift – Becca’s Journey
6. Facelift Results – Before and After Photos
Video Transcript
patient - Hi, I'm sitting in Dr. Steiger's office, I am not quite two months Post-Op from having my face lifted. I am thrilled. I feel like myself. When I look in the mirror who I see is myself. The surgery went just as Dr. Steiger had told me it would. There was no pain. There was some discomfort, nothing that was not handleable.
Three weeks after my surgery I went to play golf at the country club I live in, and I'm pleased to say that nobody came up and said to me what did you do? Everybody just said hello and just continued on their business. I have gotten wonderful compliments from how wonderful I look from people that know me, "You look terrific!", I say thank you. I recently had occasion to bump into some people where I used to live (not in Boca Raton) and they hadn't seen me in seven years and they recognized me immediately. It was not what I had done, nobody seemed to pick up anything that was different or unusual, which to me just underlines how marvelous Dr Steiger is.
I look like myself, but better. I would recommend this to anybody and certainly recommend Dr. Steiger. He is caring, his thoughtfulness, he was always available for my questions big and small. His patients are just fabulous and he is just as best a doctor as anybody could ever ask for.
I am most thrilled about is that my surgery has gone exactly as Dr. Steiger said it was going to. I look natural, my skin is not pulled tight, but my jawline is just perfect. It's as I was when I was twenty years old. His method is just ideal. It's exactly what everybody should want.