This is a video of a patient before her facelift…
Becca, one of Dr. Steiger’s patients, discusses her reasons for wanting to have a facelift. This video was taken the week before her facelift procedure. She describes her personal reasons for wanting a facelift and her desired improvements from the procedure. This video will help you understand why somoene may want to have a face lift and their thoughts and apprehensions before the surgery.

Video: Before Deep Plane Facelift Surgery Video This is an interview with a patient before facelift surgery. She discusses why she is having the surgery and her goals for the procedure. Dr. Steiger performs the most advanced types of facelift surgery to give the best, most natural, and longest lasting results. This is part of her facelift video journey. View them all on Dr. Steiger's website and learn more about his advanced facelift technique.